NUAGE Discontinué
Une nouvelle plate-forme pour la post-production
En termes de stations de travail audionumériques, de contrôleurs, d'interfaces, les capacités de post-production professionnelles ne peuvent être réalisées que lorsque tous les composants fonctionnent ensemble en parfaite harmonie. Nuage, système intégré de production audio, réunit tous des éléments dans une plateforme qui définit de nouveaux standards de qualité et d'efficacité du workflow dans pratiquement tous les aspects du processus de production. La partie hardware de commande de Yamaha s'intègre de façon transparente avec le logiciel Steinberg Nuendo dans un système spécialement conçu qui offre une productivité et une souplesse inégalées ainsi que des qualités audio exceptionnelles.
Les ingénieurs et les artistes exigeants qui connaissent déjà la qualité sonore et le workflow de Nuendo seront heureux d'apprendre que Nuendo 6, inclus avec Nuage, élève la performance à un nouveau niveau. Et pour une polyvalence maximale du système, la surface de contrôle dédiée Yamaha est modulaire, de sorte que vous pouvez facilement créer une configuration personnalisée qui correspond parfaitement à votre application.
Nuage pour le mixage, l'édition, le doublage dans les applications de post-production audio. Haut de gamme matériel et logiciel en parfaite harmonie.
Refined Components Coalesce in a Powerful System
Nuendo/Cubase is the core of the Nuage Advanced Production System. Nuage includes refined Nuage Fader and Nuage Master control surfaces that provide intimate access to all Nuendo/Cubase functions via a comprehensive array of switches and encoders in a lucid panel layout. Add a selection of extraordinary DSP-equipped Nuage I/O audio interfaces that communicate via a Dante digital audio network, plus a PCI-Express standard Dante Accelerator card for ultra low latency, high capacity audio transmission, and you have a versatile, high-performance audio production system that promises unprecedented efficiency, quality, and productivity.

Synergy That Delivers - Yamaha & Steinberg history -

Yamaha has been at the forefront of the professional audio industry ever since the PM1000 audio mixer was released in 1975. Products such as the NS10-M STUDIO monitor speakers, the 02R digital mixing console, and the SPX90 effects processor found their way into leading studios around the world, eventually earning reputations that made them "classics" in the field.
DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations) became established as the primary working environment for audio production from the mid 90’s through the turn of the century, and in January of 2005 Steinberg Media Technologies ("Steinberg" hereafter), a company that had contributed numerous advanced technologies and solutions to this growing field, became a wholly owned subsidiary of Yamaha. This pivotal fusion led to increasingly concerted development of integrated products and systems. Steinberg was originally established in 1984, rapidly becoming a source of important audio processing standards such as ASIO (Audio Stream In and Out), VST (Virtual Studio Technology), and others. These advanced technologies were incorporated into a number of revolutionary products, including the Cubase and Nuendo DAW applications that are currently favored by more than 1.5 million users worldwide.
Joint development between Yamaha and Steinberg has resulted in a number of audio interfaces and controllers that take full advantage of the performance potential of Steinberg DAW software. That synergy between two leaders in audio technology will continue to deliver increasingly advanced solutions for a wide range of applications into the future.
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