
Anecdotes and Acoustic Guitars: Yamaha DM3 Mixes Francis Rossi Tunes & Chat UK Tour

Following successful spoken word tours in 2019 and 2021 to promote his autobiography, in 2023 Status Quo’s Francis Rossi set out to do something a little different. Bringing anecdotes and acoustic versions of well-known songs to intimate venues throughout the UK, Francis Rossi Tunes & Chat has been the perfect task for the Yamaha DM3 digital mixing console.

Maximising Return: Norwich Theatre Upgrades With Yamaha RIVAGE PM

When a large regional venue outgrows its audio mixing system, major capital spending is needed for a replacement. In the case of Norwich Theatre, investing in a Yamaha RIVAGE PM5 digital mixing system has maximised its long-term return.

The Lehman Trilogy Banks On Yamaha RIVAGE PM3 In Successful London Return

When the multiple Tony Award®-winning The Lehman Trilogy returned to London’s West End earlier this year, UK audiences were again treated to a unique theatrical experience, both in terms of the play and technical production. For this run the sound design switched to a RIVAGE PM3 digital mixing system, showing how a compact solution can support a large, complex audio production.

RIVAGE PM5 Delivers Magical Sound For Harry Potter and the Cursed Child in Tokyo

Since its world premiere in 2016, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child has been a worldwide hit in London’s West End, on Broadway, in Hamburg, Melbourne, San Francisco and Toronto. For the latest production, which opened at Tokyo’s TBS Akasaka ACT Theatre in July 2023, the show’s Olivier and Tony award-winning sound designer Gareth Fry has trusted a Yamaha RIVAGE PM5 digital mixing system to handle a globally popular production, which previously needed two mixing surfaces.

Yamaha Launches PA Demo Space At guitarguitar Glasgow

Yamaha has unveiled a new PA demo space at guitarguitar in Glasgow, where visitors to the store can listen to and compare the sound of all Yamaha’s D-series powered loudspeakers. To launch the new facility, Andy May - longtime Front of House engineer for Status Quo and other high profile artists - hosted a free live sound masterclass.

"This Is Beautiful" - Front of House Engineer Brad Divens Switches To RIVAGE PM

After hanging up his bass guitar from his time in bands like Kix and Wrathchild America, Brad Divens has been the Front of House engineer for a range of major artists, including Linkin Park, Cyndi Lauper, Garbage, Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band and Mötley Crüe. This summer he mixed major European shows for Enrique Iglesias where, since switching to a Yamaha RIVAGE PM digital mixing system, he was able to bid a final farewell to years of touring with outboard racks.

RIVAGE PM5 Is Out For Blood

Having scored three UK No.1 albums, in the summer of 2021 Royal Blood set off on a UK tour of headline and festival shows, before heading to Mexico. Front of House engineer Phil Jones discovered that the Yamaha RIVAGE PM5 digital mixing system offers many solutions to difficulties faced by tours in the early 2020s.

Yamaha RIVAGE PM7 Is The Perfect Fit For Foals’ Nigel Pepper

Changing audio mixing systems is a big decision for live engineers. It can be fraught with difficulty, especially if the specifications don't match the hands-on experience. But, as Foals front of house engineer Nigel Pepper discovered, Yamaha’s RIVAGE PM series completely lives up to its promise.

Serving Up Gourmet Experiences at Kevin Fehling’s The Table and Puzzle Bar

Nearly 30 years ago, Kevin Fehling set out on a journey to pursue his passion for food. Now a Michelin three-star chef, the result of many years of hard work is Hamburg’s The Table restaurant and its companion Puzzle Bar. Complementing their gourmet food and cocktails, the vision of Kevin and partner Dennis Ilies ensures that their ambience and customer experience are rated just as highly.

Burna Boy is Twice As Tall with Yamaha RIVAGE PM10

In August, Nigerian Afro-fusion star Burna Boy’s Twice As Tall event was the first in the London O2 Arena’s Welcome Back Show series of live concerts. Sold out with fans hungry for live entertainment, Yamaha RIVAGE PM10 digital mixing systems helped deliver a much-anticipated, impressive live production.