
The art of interpreation by Russell Gray

In this article I want to discuss some of the thinking I do while I develop my interpretation of a piece of music. When I study a score, my overall objective and responsibility is to be as faithful to the composers’ wishes as possible.

The Tuning of Yamaha Percussion Instruments

Tuning a mallet instrument requires a deep understanding of complex physical phenomenon. The biggest question is, when does an instrument sound tuned? To answer this question, you need to align physical and subjective aspects.

Kick-start Motivation in Practice by Lisa Nelsen

When we’re feeling drained of inspiration or want a reason to practise, what kinds of options can we put in place to jump-start our routine again? Often in our careers as music students and professional players, we hit the wall of what we’d label as boredom or lethargy in practice. There are so many reasons that we know should get us off our sofas to do our hour or 4 hours…or even 10 minutes of one to one contact with our instruments, but the draw and motivation escapes us.

A personal practice schedule by Russell Gray

During my many years as a performer and teacher, one of the most difficult things to master is the art of practice itself. We know that we have limitations and it’s easy to focus on small parts of our technique that need working on, but we are not always able to compartmentalise our entire technique and start working on the whole thing. In this article I will try to provide you with a personalised schedule of practice.

Webinaire Audioversity - Tirez le meilleur parti des outils de mixage sans fil - Mercredi 22 avril 2020

Dans ce webinaire, nous vous expliquerons comment tirer le meilleur parti des applications de mixage à distance telles que StageMix et MonitorMix, compatibles avec la plupart des consoles Yamaha. Nous aborderons les bases de la configuration et la bonne gestion d'un système en réseau Wifi, nous verrons comment personnaliser rapidement les applications en fonction de vos besoins et nous vous présenterons de nombreux trucs et astuces pour vous aider à mixer où que vous soyez. Deux sessions (en anglais) : 10h00 et 18h00