Designed with the concept of “Beauty and Power”

Handcrafted from the same materials by the same elite artisans, all three models of the CF Series share a beautiful expressiveness and deep tonal presence. The flagship model is the CFX; a full sized 9-foot (275cm) concert grand piano suitable for the largest of concert halls. Retaining the same outstanding characteristics as the CFX, the 7-foot (212cm) CF6 is a perfect choice for recital halls, while the 6-foot 3-inch (191cm) CF4 is excellent for performing at smaller venues and teaching studios.


The concept behind the series is “Beauty and Power.” Beauty for its wide range of tonal colors and the ability to create the most subtle musical voices. In the hands of a good pianist, the CF Series pianos can “sing” with an expressiveness rarely heard. Power describes the incredible tonal presence. Not only when played fortissimo, but even soft delicate passages carry throughout the hall. The bass is amazing, and all registers can project over a full symphony orchestra regardless of a venue’s size.

Piano Casing

Ribs and Soundboard

Metal Frame


Piano Wire



Pedal Lyre

Lid Finish



Le choix des salles de concert de taille moyenne. Avec l'ADN du CFX, sa couleur et sa résonance autorise chaque pianistes à se découvrir pleinement sur scène.


Avec ce piano et ses tonalités riches idéales pour les lieux intimistes, il n'y a pas de petites performances, seulement des petites scènes. Laissez-vous emporter par la sonorité de ce piano à queue de concert qui vous en fera oublier sa taille.

Produits associés

Explore Yamaha's new flagship CFX

Yamaha has launched the new CFX in March, 2022.

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