MY8-LAKE Carte de traitement Lake Discontinué

Du traitement Lake intégré dans votre console numérique

Le processing Lake est aujourd'hui incontournable dans le traitement des systèmes de sonorisation. La carte MY8-LAKE est une carte DSP pour les consoles numériques développée conjointement par Yamaha et Lake. Toute la puissance des EQ Mesa, Ideal Graphic ainsi que les filtres à phase linéaire est incluse dans cette carte unique, vous offrant le contrôle intuitif et direct du traitement de votre système de diffusion.

[NB] Afin de pouvoir être utilisée dans une PM5D/PM5D-RH, une modification hardware payante sera nécessaire sur la console. Contactez votre revendeur Yamaha pour en savoir plus.

MY8-LAKE Carte de traitement Lake Discontinué

Carte de traitement Lake configurable

  • - Mode Mesa (EQ systèmes) 8-in / 8-out, mode Contour (filtre crossover) 4-in / 12-out, ou une combinaison des deux modes.
  • - Traitement interne 96 kHz, supporte les fréquences 44,1 kHz, 48 kHz, et 88,2 kHz.
  • 1x D-sub 25 pin connector, 1x RJ-45 connector
  • - Compatible avec le logiciel de mesure Smaart.
  • - Système de routing flexible grâce aux connecteurs au format AES/EBU permettant différents modes de câblage, série, insert,etc.
  • - La carte MY8-LAKE est pilotée par l'application Lake Controller, en même temps que les autres appareils Lake du système.
  • Over 1,000 speaker presets included for fast, accurate tuning with a wide range of systems

※ Regarding Nexo speaker presets

The Nexo presets included in Lake Controller preset library cannot be used with MY8-LAKE since Nexo loudspeakers are intended to be used only with Nexo TD Controlers.

Lake Processing: The Undisputed Leader in Output Management

Lake Processing: The Undisputed Leader in Output Management

Lake Processing technology began in the late 1990s, makes it possible to achieve maximum sonic quality in any live sound situation. Mesa EQ with asymmetrical response curves, Ideal Graphic EQ with minimum inter-band interference, Linear Phase Crossover that allows steep slopes without disrupting phase characteristics: these are some of the Lake Processing features that make it easy to deliver ideal sonic performance in venues of any size, with any acoustic characteristics, and with any speakers from any manufacturer. The intuitive Lake Controller user interface contributes to easy, efficient operation, even under the pressure of preparing for a live show.

An Economical Approach to Impressive Processing Power

The small size of the MY8-LAKE belies the outstanding processing power it offers. 8-in/8-out*1 processing is available in Mesa Mode, while Contour Mode provides 4-in/12-out*2 capability. In Mesa Mode the MY8-LAKE can be used to provide system EQ for the main mix or channel EQ for vocal processing, for example. Contour Mode offers optimum crossover processing for superior speaker system performance, eliminating the need for external crossover and EQ devices. The Mesa and Contour modes can also be combined, giving the MY8-LAKE the flexibility to adapt to a wide range of applications.

*1 Equivalent to two Lake LM44 units. *2 Equivalent to two Lake LM26 units.

The MY8-LAKE makes Lake Processing more Accessible than Ever

The MY8-LAKE packs industry-standard Lake Processing output management tools into a remarkably compact and convenient expansion card. By simply installing the MY8-LAKE into a compatible Yamaha digital mixing console you gain powerful, flexible output management capability as well as input EQ functionality that can maximize the potential of your console. And since no extra cabling or rack facilities are required, no additional space or time burdens are imposed. The MY8-LAKE makes advanced Lake processing easier than ever.

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