Repertoire Finder Discontinué
Gagnez du temps en laissant Repertoire Finder faire le travail le plus difficile. Avec les derniers claviers Yamaha intégrant des centaines de sonorités et de styles, il peut parfois falloir beaucoup de temps pour trouver la meilleure combinaison possible pour interpréter un morceau.
Because we're focusing on Yamaha Expansion Manager, we are discontinuing the Repertoire Finder app for iOS. This means you won't be able to store and recall the Panel Registration setups through Repertoire Finder app after April 1, 2018. All of your Repertoire Finder data must be downloaded into your instrument before April 1, 2018.
We appreciate your understanding. Thank you again for using the Repertoire Finder app. We look forward to continuing our work to deliver experiences that help you connect with people about the things that matter to you.
We appreciate your understanding. Thank you again for using the Repertoire Finder app. We look forward to continuing our work to deliver experiences that help you connect with people about the things that matter to you.
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