Alex Cesare Elia

Grâce à un réseau de centres d'artistes et d'ateliers répartis dans le monde entier, Yamaha travaille avec des musiciens de premier plan pour soutenir leurs performances et développer des conceptions d'instruments et de nouvelles idées au profit de tous les musiciens. Les artistes Yamaha partagent avec nous la passion d'inspirer la prochaine génération de musiciens et la conviction que chacun doit être encouragé à cultiver son talent, à se rapprocher des autres et à raconter son histoire à travers la musique.
Get to know Yamaha Artist and trumpet player Alex Cesare Elia
Statement about your relation with Yamaha or your instrument:
Flexibility and ease, technical perfection and freedom to play in a balance that has never been so perfect.
How does your instrument help you in your daily life as an artist?
The instrument help me with the disarming ease of intonation, the homogeneity as well as the quick and easy response in the various registers, the projection, the maintenance of the compactness of the sound, as well as the timbral/musical flexibility... it is truly the closest to perfection trumpet I have ever tested in my work.
How would you characterise your instrument?
Full, brilliant and flexible
Who was your most influential teacher and is there any advice which you still follow?
Davide Sanson, the trumpet professor at the Conservatoire de la Vallée d'Aoste and, to date teacher of the Italian Youth Orchestra.
Advice for a young musician:
Quality always pays off, but you need a lot of patience and perseverance. Do not waste time in unsuccessful situations and have the courage to change direction when necessary: remember that each of us has our own path and comparing yourself to the careers of others serves little purpose. If anything, think about having fun and studying more!