Ecouvillon pour Venova

Dotés d'un matériau en microfibre très absorbant, ces tampons de nettoyage préviennent la corrosion et maximisent la durée de vie des instruments en éliminant efficacement l'humidité et la saleté à l'intérieur des cuivres.

Cleaning Swab TP3

For cleaning the slides and leadpipes of Trumpets, Cornets, Flugelhorns, and similar instruments, as well as the slides of Alto(Tenor) Horns and Rotary Trumpet.

Cleaning Swab HR3

For cleaning the leadpipes of Horn and Mellophone

Cleaning Swab EP3

For cleaning the Trombone tuning slides, Euphonium and Baritone

Cleaning Swab TB3

For cleaning the Trombone slides

Cleaning Swab BB3

For cleaning the leadpipes of Tuba

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