
Zachary Alford

Zachary Alford

Born in Manhattan, NYC, Zachary Alford began his musical journey being influenced by musician friends of his older siblings (his sister's boyfriend's band used to rehearse in their living room). "I used to look under my bed at the drums that were stashed there. Being so close to real instruments started my fascination with them." "My brother's friend Chandara lived on the 18th floor and he was a drummer too".

André Ceccarelli

André Ceccarelli´s career started at a very early age of 15 amongst the 60’s French rock scene.

Axel Auriant

Axel est un véritable prodige. Issu des écoles Yamaha, il a su remplacer avec beaucoup de professionnalisme Cédric Chapuis dans la pièce de théatre musicale "une vie sur mesure"... acteur et musicien hors pair, il a trouvé aujourd'hui sa place sur scène et derrière les écrans TV